Monday, July 18, 2011

Summer's here - now what

All winter long I look forward to summer.  I dream of what I will do when summer comes - all the outdoor activities that don't involve snow suits, shovels, or ear muffs.  The problem with summer is that it doesn't last long, fills up fast, and before you know it - it's gone and you've got the next 9 months to dream about it again.  Most of our weekends are already booked, but last Saturday was not one of them. We had a baby shower to attend in the afternoon, but the morning was free to do whatever our hearts desired. Unfortunately, I didn't plan well enough and it appears that our heart desired to sit around all morning and do nothing.  I got upset about my 'wasted Saturday' and decided to come up with a plan to avoid that from happening in the future. I recently saw an idea of somebody using a chalk board to write out a 'to do wish list' for the summer. Everybody in the house contributed to the list and it became part of their living room artwork.  I didn't have a chalk board, but I did have a poster board, set of markers, and plenty of wish list items. I even got the kids involved and had them write their list out ahead of time.  (Great way for them to practice their ABCs too.)

Here's their lists (they helped write some of the grown-up ideas too so we wouldn't forget when we got home)...

I love the simplicity of their desires- run through the sprinkler - eat fish - go for a bike ride. All simple things that we can easily squeeze it, yet it will make them deliriously happy that we actually did them. 

Here is what my 'Martha Stewart Eat Your Heart Out' poster board looks like.  Please ignore the spelling error - apparently poster boards don't come with a spell checker.  (Grammar & spelling are not my strong points.)

I hope that maybe this will inspire you to do something similar too.  I know I'm looking forward to checking a few of these items off the list!

UPDATE: Here's a link to the original idea if you want to see a cooler version.  I found it linked on the blog.   

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