Thursday, July 21, 2011

Amateur Photos Part 1

After drooling over some of the fabulous photos my friend Andrea has taken, I've decided to try and put my camera to good use and take photos with it how they are supposed to be taken. Quality over quantity.  Instead of trying to capture a memory (here's us at the lake) I want to try and capture more of the where you can feel the love.  Basically photos that look like a professional has taken them instead of an amateur like myself.  So here's my first stab at it. Hopefully along the way I will have more to share.

First up is a photo of my doggie, who is a horrible subject to photograph because she doesn't listen and won't sit still. :-)  Lucky for her - she's cute.

The next batch of photos were taken at my MIL's 60th Birthday Party.  My first real attempts.  Please keep in mind that I haven't photo shopped these in any way, but probably should.

The first up is the flag on July 4th weekend. I love what it represents.  The second photo is of the flag actually blowing in the wind, but it was at night so the photo wasn't perfect. However, I do really like the way it depicts and abandoned play ground (empty swing set, randomly left behind ball and bucket) and shows the only thing still standing is the flag.

Bug on a flower.

Daisy #1 and Daisy # 2 (I couldn't pick a favorite)

More flowers

Flower buds

Night time.  (I think the 2nd is my favorite.)

I feel like in this one (below) the fence is making its own frame.

Bad lighting, but cute concept.

Confession - I didn't take the photo (below) but somebody used my camera to take it, so I should get some credit (right???).

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